2010. Els sistemes defensius fortificats del Conventus Tarraconensis en el context de la infraestructura militar de l'Imperi Romà

Title translation: "Fortifications and urban space in the Conventus Tarraconensis: The fortified defensive systems of the Conventus Tarraconensis in the context of the military infrastructure of the Roman Empire".

Summary: This PhD thesis consist of a methodical, scientific and rigorous study of the fortifications (city walls, forts and watchtowers) of the Conventus Tarraconensis region in the context of the military infrastructure of the Roman empire. Chronologically it has been considered each period of the Roman domain of Hispania: Republic (218-27 BC), Early Empire (27 BC-284 AD) Late Empire (284-476), in addition to the end of Late Antiquity (the Visigothic kingdom, 476-711). Geographically the study is limited to the space occupied by the juridical conventus of Tarraco in the imperial era, from the Pyrenees to the river Xúquer. Regarding the typology and the sites, we analyzed civitates, oppida, castra, castella and turres, paying special attention to the enclosures of Aeso, Baetulo, Barcino, Dertosa, Emporiae, Gerunda, Iesso, Iluro, Olèrdola, Saguntum, Tarraco and Valentia.

Reference: Doctoral thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa.

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2011. La problemàtica de les torres de guaita romanes a l’àmbit del Conventus Tarraconensis Romà

Title translation: "The problem of the Roman watchtowers in the area of Conventus Tarraconensis".

Summary: The aim of this study is to analyze the chronological and typological problems concerning the ancient watchtowers preserved in the Conventus Tarraconensis region (Hispania), giving support to the Roman authorship of many of them and at the same time demonstrating their subsequent re-use, by both Christians and Muslims, during the Middle Ages.

Reference: Butlletí Arqueològic Tarraconense, èp. V, núm. 33, pp. 25-79.

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2012. Late Roman and Visigothic military fortifications in Conventus Tarraconensis (Hispania): The organization of border defence

Summary: From the analysis of archaeological remains, we propose the existence of a fortified complex in the Eastern Pyrenees in Late Antiquity (4th-6th centuries), composed of a double defensive line of military small forts (castra and castella), watchtowers (turres) and small walled towns (civitates). Its location reveals the importance of the strategic control of the main regional roads (Via Augusta-Via Domitia and Strata Ceretana) through the mountain passes, common points of entry to Hispania of invasions and migrations. We also analyze the limes or fortified defensive system similarly organized in the Visigoth period (6th century) in front of the Byzantine province Cartaginiensis Spartarie.

Reference: Aquila Legionis. Cuadernos de estudios sobre el Ejército Romano 15, pp. 165-202.

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2019. Historical texts on the Roman military camp (300 BC–AD 500)

Summary: The secrets of the Roman field fortifications unveiled. A comprehensible introduction to the topic with all the existing ancient texts translated into English.

This book presents a compilation of four fragments written by different authors who lived in Roman times: Hyginus (1st–2nd century AD), Polybius (2nd century BC), Vegetius (4th century AD) and Flavius Josephus (1st century AD).

Besides the modern English translation, it also provides two didactical synthesis on the topic: a brief summary of the Greco-Roman authors and works that inform us about ancient military science, and a concise introductory study on the Roman military camp based on historical and archaeological sources.

Reference: coll. Military Classics 1, Edicions Excalibur, Tarragona.

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